Mahelet Kassa

Boston Based Full Stack Web Developer

Get To Know Me

Allow Me To Introduce Myself.

Profile Picture

A full stack web developer!

My journey

I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer based in Boston, holding a Bachelor's in Business and Technology Operations Management. My expertise combines advanced technical abilities with a comprehensive grasp of business operations, allowing me to create software solutions that are not only effective but also in line with business strategies.Outside of work, I'm dedicated to learning new technology skills, working on personal projects, climbing, reading, and growing my Ethiopian coffee venture in Boston.

As a full-stack software engineer proficient in multiple programming languages and frameworks, I consistently pursue new technologies and keep abreast of industry trends and innovations. My goal is to create applications that enhance company productivity, efficiency, and social impact. This ambition aligns with my passion and vision for using technology in business to promote social good.

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Technical Skills

Below are some of the technologies that I've worked with.


Click on "Launch Project" link to view the live site


More Of My Credentials.

My experience includes working with large codebases in technologies like React, Angular, TypeScript, Java, Spring Boot microservices, and PostgreSQL.

Work Experience

Building Cross Platform Application with React Native

Full Stack Software Engineer | BCBS | Boston, MA

As a Full Stack Developer:
- Developed and migrated cross-platform applications using Ionic and Capacitor.
- Executed comprehensive QA testing across iOS and Android systems.
- Created a development support platform enabling feature management across environments and platforms, alongside test data handling and API performance monitoring.
- Contributed to the development of the "My Blue Admin" React application, aligning with Figma designs.

Website and Assessment Coordinator, Messiah College

Website and Assessment Coordinator

- Updated and maintained Messiah College's website, ensuring accurate representation and timely refreshment of content.
- Managed the database, overseeing data integrity, streamlining the user interface, and improving user experience.

Data Analytics Intern, HOPE International

Data Analytics Intern

- Conducted comprehensive data collection, analysis, and interpretation to uncover patterns and correlations between youth demographics and nonprofit organization engagement.
- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate data-driven strategies into marketing and outreach efforts, aimed at increasing youth involvement.
- Participated in regular meetings to discuss findings and contribute to data-informed adjustments to ongoing projects and initiatives.

Student Information Technology, Messiah College

Student Information Technology Service Assistant

- Resolved a variety of hardware and software malfunctions, performing repairs and hardware replacements to ensure optimal system performance.
- Diagnosed and rectified system errors, contributing to reduced downtime and enhanced user satisfaction.


Bachelor of Science

September 2015 - May 2018

Messiah Collage

At Messiah Collage, I majored in Business Administration with a Concentration in Information and Technology.

Full Stack Web Development Immersive

January 2019 - April 2019

General Assembly

GA’s Engineering software immersive program is a 12 week, 500 + hour Full-Stack Web Development boot camp. The program covers a wide range of programing languages, libraries, frameworks and database. I have successfully completed the program and recived my license as software engineer. I have built one front-end and three full-stack projects as a part of the requirement to be certified as software engineer.


Amazon Web Services Certification

Scrum master Certification


Boston, MA
